
There are 216 externals Audiobooks in the database

There are hundreds of direct external websites where you can download for free the audio of the book that you would like to read.

Mainly these audiobooks are in English (164), but some are also available in Spanish (21) and Italian (31).

In following we show 15 random audiobooks in each language.

Random eBooks in English
There are 164 externals Audiobooks
Captain Cook's Journal
Cook, James

Language: English | Category: History & Biography | Audio Book: external webside

Having, on his first voyage, discovered Australia, Cook still had to contend with those who maintained that the Terra Australians Incognita (the unknown Southern Continent) was a reality. To finally settle the issue, the British Admiralty sent Cook out again into the vast Southern Ocean with two sailing ships totalling only about 800 tons. Listen as Cook, equipped with one of the first chronometers, pushes his small vessel not merely into the Roaring Forties or the Furious Fifties but becomes the first explorer to penetrate the Antarctic Circle, reaching an incredible Latitude 71 degrees South, just failing to discover Antarctica.

More information about Cook, James and Captain Cook’s Journal is available in:

  • is an initiative supported by the Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) that springs from experiences of people that share a passion for reading and that take interest in known, from a catholic perspective, the content of books that have caught their attention.

Others books by Cook, James
There are 1 ebooks by this Author
Cook, James - Captain Cook's Journal - Language: English, History & Biography - Format: iSilo
Having, on his first voyage, discovered Australia, Cook still had to contend with those who maintained that the Terra Australians Incognita (the unknown Southern Continent) was a reality. To finally settle the issue, the British (More) Admiralty sent Cook out again into the vast Southern Ocean with two sailing ships totalling only about 800 tons. Listen as Cook, equipped with one of the first chronometers, pushes his small vessel not merely into the Roaring Forties or the Furious Fifties but becomes the first explorer to penetrate the Antarctic Circle, reaching an incredible Latitude 71 degrees South, just failing to discover Antarctica.
Random eBooks in Italian
There are 31 externals Audiobooks
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Random eBooks in Spanish
There are 21 externals Audiobooks
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