
There are 216 externals Audiobooks in the database

There are hundreds of direct external websites where you can download for free the audio of the book that you would like to read.

Mainly these audiobooks are in English (164), but some are also available in Spanish (21) and Italian (31).

In following we show 15 random audiobooks in each language.

Random eBooks in English
There are 164 externals Audiobooks

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.

Author Title Category Lang. Lock Format Star Audio
Tzu, Sun The Art of War Essay & Philosophy English ePub audio-32
Doyle, Arthur Conan The Lost World Novel (Fantasy & Sc. Fic.) English ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Twain, Mark Tom Sawyer, Detective Novel (Detective) English ePub audio-32
Teresa of Avila, St. The Life Spiritual English ePub audio-32 audio-32
Tolstoi, Lev Anna Karenina Novel (Drama) English ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Conrad, Joseph Lord Jim Novel (Psychological) English ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Grimm, Brothers Grimms’ Fairy Tales Short Stories English ePub audio-32
Stoker, Bram Dracula Novel (Horror) English iSilo audio-32
Crane, Stephen Complete Works of Stephen Crane Complete Works of English audio-24 ePub audio-32
Shakespeare, William The Complete Works Theater Play English iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Crane, Stephen Maggie, a Girl of the Street Novel (Realistic) English ePub audio-32
Chekhov, Anton Ivanoff Theater Play English iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Wilde, Oscar Picture of Dorian Gray Novel English ePub, iSilo audio-32
Saki (H. H. Muhro) Beasts and Super-Beasts Short Stories English iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Austen, Jane Pride and Prejudice Novel (Romance) English ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.

Random eBooks in Italian
There are 31 externals Audiobooks

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.

Author Title Category Lang. Lock Format Star Audio
Polo, Marco Il Milione History & Biography Italian iSilo audio-32
De Amicis, Edmondo Cuore Novel Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32
Tolstoi, Lev La Confessione Novel Italian ePub audio-32 audio-32
Salgari, Emilio Le meraviglie del duemila Novel (Fantasy & Sc. Fic.) Italian ePub audio-32 audio-32
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang I dolori del giovane Werther Novel Italian ePub audio-32 audio-32
Leopardi, Giacomo Canti Poetry Italian ePub audio-32
Shakespeare, William Sogno di una notte di mezza state Theater Play Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Carroll, Lewis Alice nel paese delle meraviglie Short Stories Italian iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Pirandello, Luigi Il fu Mattia Pascal Novel Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32
Alcott, Louisa May Piccole donne Novel Italian iSilo audio-32
Brontë, Charlotte Jane Eyre Novel (Romance) Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Manzoni, Alessandro Opere complete di Alessandro Manzoni Complete Works of Italian audio-24 ePub audio-32
Shakespeare, William La Tempesta Theater Play Italian ePub audio-32
Manzoni, Alessandro I promessi sposi Novel (Historical) Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Verga, Giovanni I Malavoglia Novel (Social) Italian ePub, iSilo audio-32

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.

Random eBooks in Spanish
There are 21 externals Audiobooks

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.

Author Title Category Lang. Lock Format Star Audio
Pérez Galdós, Benito Obras Completas de Benito Pérez Galdós Complete Works of Spanish audio-24 ePub audio-32 audio-32
Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quijote de la Mancha Novel Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Alarcón, Pedro Antonio de El sombrero de tres picos Novel (Realistic) Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32
Teresa de Jesús, Santa El libro de su vida Spiritual Spanish ePub audio-32 audio-32
Guevara, Luis Vélez de El diablo cojuelo Novel Spanish ePub audio-32 audio-32
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de El Principito Short Stories (Fantasy & Sc. Fic.) Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Verne, Jules Veinte mil leguas de viaje submarino Novel (Adventures) Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32
Menéndez Pelayo, Marcelino Las cien mejores poesías (líricas) de la lengua castellana Poetry Spanish ePub audio-32 audio-32
Brontë, Emily Cumbres borrascosas Novel (Romance) Spanish ePub audio-32
Cervantes, Miguel de Novelas Ejemplares Short Stories Spanish ePub audio-32 audio-32
Bécquer, Gustavo Adolfo Leyendas Short Stories Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32 audio-32
Calderón de la Barca, Pedro La dama duende Theater Play Spanish ePub audio-32
Cervantes, Miguel de Don Quijote de la Mancha – Edición IV Centenario Novel (Adventures) Spanish ePub audio-32 audio-32
Anonymous El Lazarillo de Tormes Novel (Picaresque & Humor) Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32
Pérez Galdós, Benito Trafalgar Novel (Historical) Spanish ePub, iSilo audio-32

There are 15 ebooks that match the selected criteria.