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Zero day
Baldacci, David

Language: English | Category: Novel (Thriller) | Audio Book: Not Available

Zero Day is a thriller novel written by David Baldacci. This is the first installment in the John Puller book series.

Mountain-sized and über-brainy, John Puller is about as unconquerable as mere mortals get to be. An ex-warrior—Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever else his country’s enemies happened to be entrenched—he’s served with unvarying distinction. As a consequence, the fruit salad (Army slang for medals) he pins to his dress uniform tells a glory story already the stuff of legend. These days, however, Warrant Officer Puller fights a somewhat different kind of war—quieter perhaps, but only marginally less dangerous.

More information about Baldacci, David and Zero day is available in:

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Others books by Baldacci, David
There are 19 ebooks by this Author
Baldacci, David - Sotto tiro (John Puller, 1) - Language: Italian, Novel - Format: ePub
John Puller è un veterano di guerra e il miglior agente speciale del Comando dell’esercito degli Stati Uniti per le indagini penali. Suo padre era una leggenda dell’aeronautica e suo fratello, un alto ufficiale dell’esercito, sta (More) scontando una condanna all’ergastolo per tradimento in un carcere militare di massima sicurezza. Puller non è il tipo d’uomo interessato alle medaglie, parla poco, ha uno spirito indomito, molte cicatrici e una tenacia inarrestabile per trovare la verità. Ora, è chiamato a risolvere un caso in una zona remota della Virginia, lontana da qualsiasi avamposto militare. Qualcuno ha ucciso brutalmente un colonnello della Difesa insieme a tutta la sua famiglia. Ma dopo averlo incaricato dell’indagine, sembra che l’esercito non sia disposto a fornirgli né risorse né aiuti per risolvere il caso. Il detective del posto, Samantha Cole, una donna testarda e complicata, è l’unica a unire le proprie forze a quelle di Puller in cerca di risposte. Quando il poliziotto messo a guardia della scena del crimine viene trovato morto nel seminterrato della casa, il mistero si infittisce. Puller si rende conto che niente e nessuno è ciò che sembra: una potenziale cospirazione che va ben oltre le colline del West Virginia si cela dietro gli omicidi.
Baldacci, David - Doppia verità (John Puller, 2) - Language: Italian, Novel - Format: ePub
John Puller non è semplicemente un agente speciale dell’Esercito degli Stati Uniti, ma la punta di diamante della Criminal Investigation Division, l’uomo a cui ci si affida per risolvere i crimini più complessi ed enigmatici. (More) Questa volta, però, Puller è alle prese con un caso anomalo, dai delicati risvolti personali... Il cadavere di sua zia è stato rinvenuto a Paradise, una tranquilla cittadina della Florida, considerata un vero e proprio paradiso in terra dai numerosi turisti che ne affollano le incantevoli spiagge. Mentre la polizia locale è fermamente convinta che si tratti di uno sfortunato e tragico incidente, il ritrovamento di una lettera dal contenuto misterioso, scritta dalla donna poco prima di morire, rimette le carte in tavola e induce Puller a indagare sulla vicenda. Quello che l’agente speciale scoprirà gli infonderà il sospetto che la morte della zia non sia affatto casuale e che le bellezze naturali di Paradise nascondano una fitta rete di cospirazioni e depistaggi che, se portati a galla, potrebbero condurre a una sconvolgente verità... Il maestro mondiale del thriller è tornato con un romanzo incalzante che si preannuncia essere il migliore dell’anno!
Baldacci, David - La Fuga (John Puller, 3) - Language: Italian, Novel - Format: ePub
Lo United States Disciplinary Barracks non è una prigione come le altre. Qui vige una disciplina militare. I suoi sistemi di sicurezza non hanno uguali. Da qui nessuno è mai fuggito… fino ad ora.Robert, fratello maggiore (More) dell’agente speciale John Puller, è stato condannato per alto tradimento e crimini contro la sicurezza nazionale. La sua inspiegabile evasione da un famoso penitenziario militare degli Stati Uniti lo rende il ricercato numero uno del Paese. Alcuni esponenti del governo sono convinti che l’agente speciale rappresenti la loro migliore occasione per catturare Robert vivo, ma il quadro emerso dalle indagini di Puller, in collaborazione con l’agente della NSA Veronica Knox, si mostra da subito più complesso del previsto. Ci sono altre persone sulle tracce di Robert e il loro obiettivo è ucciderlo. Come se non bastasse, procedendo nelle ricerche, Puller non solo scopre che la lealtà della sua collega è in dubbio, ma apprende anche dettagli preoccupanti riguardanti la condanna del fratello e l’esistenza di qualcuno interessato a non far emergere la verità. Mentre la caccia all’uomo si fa sempre più serrata, le sue eccellenti abilità come investigatore e combattente potrebbero non bastare a Puller, stavolta, per salvare Robert e nemmeno sé stesso.Nel terzo episodio della serie di John Puller, un’indagine al cardiopalma, un inquietante viaggio nei meccanismi dell’intelligence statunitense e un’acuta riflessione, nell’era della sorveglianza globale, sul diritto alla privacy.
Baldacci, David - The Width of the World (Vega Jane, 3) - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
This is it. Vega Jane’s time. She’s been lied to her whole life, so she breaks away from Wormwood, the only home she’s ever known, in search of the truth. She battles horrors to fight her way across the Quag with her best friend, (More) Delph, and her mysterious canine, Harry Two. Against all odds, they survive unimaginable dangers and make it through. And into a new world that’s even worse. Not because deadly beasts roam the cobblestones, but because the people are enslaved but don’t even know it. It’s up to Vega, Delph, Harry Two and their new comrade, Petra, to take up the fight against a foe that’s unrivaled in savagery and cunning. Not only is Vega’s life and the lives of her friends on the line, but whether she triumphs or fails will determine whether a whole world survives. Beloved author David Baldacci delivers a shockwave of destruction and shattering revelations in The Width of the World, book three in his instant #1 global bestselling Vega Jane series.
Baldacci, David - The Keeper (Vega Jane, 2) - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Master storyteller David Baldacci is back with Vega Jane, the heroine with the iron will from his instant #1 global bestselling and award-winning fantasy debut, The Finisher. Vega Jane was always told no one could leave the town (More) of Wormwood. She was told there was nothing outside but the Quag, a wilderness filled with danger and death. And she believed it — until the night she stumbled across a secret that proved that everything she knew was a lie. Now just one thing stands between Vega Jane and freedom — the Quag. In order to leave Wormwood and discover the truth about her world, Vega and her best friend Delph must find a way to make it across a terrifying land of bloodthirsty creatures and sinister magic. But the Quag is worse than Vega Jane’s darkest imagining. It’s a living, breathing prison designed to keep enemies out and the villagers of Wormwood in. The Quag will throw everything at Vega Jane. It will try to break her. It will try to kill her. And survival might come at a price not even Vega Jane is willing to pay.
Baldacci, David - The Finisher (Vega Jane, 1) - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Why would Quentin Herms flee into the Quag? There was nothing in the Quag except certain death. Vega Jane has never left the village of Wormwood. But this isn’t unusual — nobody has ever left the village of Wormwood. At least not (More) until Quentin Herms vanishes into the unknown.Vega knows Quentin didn’t just leave — he was chased. And he’s left behind a very dangerous trail of clues that only she can decode.The Quag is a dark forest filled with terrifying beasts and bloodthirsty Outliers. But just as deadly are the threats that exist within the walls of Wormwood. It is a place built on lies, where influential people are willing to kill to keep their secrets. Vega is determined to uncover the truth — but the closer she gets, the more she risks her life.With THE FINISHER, master storyteller David Baldacci conjures a thrilling, imaginative world where things are as wrong as wrong can be — and introduces us to an unforgettable heroine who must think fast, look close, and defy all odds in her fight to do what’s right.
Baldacci, David - Vega Jane y el guardián (2015) - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
A Vega Jane siempre le han dicho que nadie puede escapar de Wormwood, que más allá no hay nada, excepto el Quag, un mundo salvaje repleto de peligros. Y ella siempre lo ha aceptado así, hasta la noche en la que descubre un secreto (More) que le revela que todo aquello en lo que ha creído es mentira. Ahora solo hay una cosa que se interpone entre Vega Jane y la libertad: el Quag, una prisión diseñada para mantener a los enemigos fuera y que hará lo imposible para evitar que ella escape, hasta el punto de intentar incluso acabar con su vida. ¿Logrará Vega Jane salvarse?
Baldacci, David - Vega Jane y el reino de lo desconocido (2014) - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
¿Por qué habría huido Quentin Hermes al Quag? Allí no había nada salvo la muerte segura. Vega Jane nunca ha salido del pueblo de Amargura. Pero eso no es nada raro, porque nadie ha salido nunca de ese lugar. Por lo menos hasta que (More) Quentin Hermes desaparece en el reino de lo desconocido. Vega sabe que Quentin no solo se marchó, sino que, además, lo perseguían. Y ha dejado una serie de pistas muy peligrosas que únicamente ella es capaz de descifrar. El Quag es un bosque oscuro lleno de bestias espeluznantes y Foráneos sedientos de sangre. Pero igualmente letales son las amenazas que existen dentro de los muros de Amargura. Se trata de un lugar construido sobre falsedades, en el que los que poseen influencia están dispuestos a matar con tal de que no se desvelen sus secretos. Vega está decidida a descubrir la verdad, pero cuanto más se acerca a ella, más pone en peligro su vida.
Baldacci, David - Stone Cold - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Oliver Stone, the leader of the mysterious group that calls itself the Camel Club, is both feared and respected by those who've crossed his path. Keeping a vigilant watch over our leaders in Washington, D.C., the Camel Club has (More) won over some allies, but it has also earned formidable enemies - including those in power who will do anything to prevent Stone and his friends from uncovering the hidden, secret work of the government. Annabelle Conroy, an honorary member of the Camel Club, is also the greatest con artist of her generation. She has swindled forty million dollars from casino king Jerry Bagger, the man who murdered her mother. Now he's hot on her trail with only one goal in mind: Annabelle's death. But as Stone and the Camel Club circle the wagons to protect Annabelle, a new opponent, who makes Bagger's menace pale by comparison, suddenly arises. One by one, men from Stone's shadowy past are turning up dead. Behind this slaughter stands one man: Harry Finn. To almost all who know him, Finn is a doting father and loving husband who uses his skills behind the scenes to keep our nation safe. But the other face of Harry Finn is that of an unstoppable killer who inevitably sets his lethal bull's-eye on Oliver Stone. And with Finn, Stone may well have met his match.
Baldacci, David - Máximo impacto - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
Eficiente e implacable, Will Robie es el hombre a quien recurre el gobierno de Estados Unidos para eliminar a los peores enemigos del estado. Sin embargo, hay alguien capaz de igualar los talentos de Robie: su colega Jessica Reel, (More) una asesina tan profesional y letal como él. El problema es que, por alguna extraña razón, ahora tiene en el punto de mira a otros miembros de su agencia.Robie tendrá por misión capturar a Reel, viva o muerta. Sin embargo, a medida que la persigue, Robie no tarda en descubrir que sus ataques a la agencia ocultan una amenaza mayor, una que puede causar una tremenda conmoción en Estados Unidos y en el resto del mundo.
Baldacci, David - Los inocentes - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
Estados Unidos tiene enemigos, algunos de ellos personas sin escrúpulos a quienes no pueden detener ni la policía ni el FBI ni el ejército siquiera. En esos casos, el gobierno recurre a Will Robie, un sicario frío e implacable que (More) nunca hace preguntas y siempre atrapa a su presa. Pero quizá Will Robie acaba de cometer el primer —y último— error de su carrera. El trabajo más reciente que le han encomendado ha salido mal. Robie ha sido enviado a eliminar a una persona en Washington, pero en la misión hay algo que no encaja, y él hace algo impensable: se niega a matar. A partir de ese momento, Robie se convierte en el blanco y debe escapar de su propia gente. En su huida, se cruza con una adolescente díscola que ha escapado de un hogar de acogida. Pero no es un fugitiva cualquiera: sus padres han sido asesinados y su propia vida corre peligro. Contraviniendo todas sus costumbres profesionales, Robie decide salir de las sombras para salvar la vida de la muchacha… y tal vez la suya propia.
Baldacci, David - The Camel Club - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
The Camel Club. Four members, four stories, one philosophy. Men with no past and no future, they spend their time studying wild conspiracy theories that reach to the highest levels of government. One fateful night, The Camel Club (More) witnesses a shocking murder and realizes that even their wildest theories are not as horrifying as the truth… Soon, they have an ally in the person of Alex Ford, a career Secret Service agent who,while investigating the murder, realizes that a far larger crime is being put into place. Ford and the members of The Camel Club must subvert a misguided mission that threatens to usher in a terrifying new era, sculpted by one man’s horribly distorted vision of justice… THE CAMEL CLUB is vintage Baldacci: intelligent, terrifying, thrilling fiction that could be tomorrow’s fact.
Baldacci, David - Memoria total - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
La vida de Amos Decker cambió para siempre… dos veces. La primera vez fue en el terreno de juego. Amos, atleta alto y robusto, era la única persona de Burlington, su ciudad natal, que se convirtió en jugador profesional de fútbol (More) americano, pero su carrera terminó antes de comenzar. Durante la primera jugada un violento choque de su cabeza contra la de un rival lo expulsó del campo para siempre y le provocó un extraño efecto secundario: nunca puede olvidar nada. La segunda vez ocurrió casi dos décadas después. Decker, convertido en inspector de policía, regresó una noche a su casa y entró en una pesadilla: su mujer, su joven hija y su cuñado habían sido asesinados. Tanto la identidad del asesino como el motivo del crimen eran un misterio. Incapaz de olvidar cada detalle de esa noche terrible, Decker abandonó la policía y sobrevivió aceptando ocasionales trabajos como detective privado. Más de un año después, un hombre se entrega a policía y confiesa ser el autor de los asesinatos. Al mismo tiempo, un acontecimiento horroroso sacude a la ciudad de Burlington y Decker vuelve a incorporarse al cuerpo policial para investigarlo, pero al mismo tiempo, decidido a aprovechar la oportunidad que se le presenta de descubrir lo que realmente le ocurrió a su familia. Para desvelar la verdad deberá recurrir a sus notables cualidades y enfrentarse a la carga que estas conllevan: soportar los recuerdos que preferiría olvidar y verse obligado, quizá, a hacer el máximo sacrificio.
Baldacci, David - Zero day - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Zero Day is a thriller novel written by David Baldacci. This is the first installment in the John Puller book series. Mountain-sized and über-brainy, John Puller is about as unconquerable as mere mortals get to be. An (More) ex-warrior—Iraq, Afghanistan and wherever else his country’s enemies happened to be entrenched—he’s served with unvarying distinction. As a consequence, the fruit salad (Army slang for medals) he pins to his dress uniform tells a glory story already the stuff of legend. These days, however, Warrant Officer Puller fights a somewhat different kind of war—quieter perhaps, but only marginally less dangerous.
Baldacci, David - Hell's Corner - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Oliver Stone is an American ex-agent, or better still, an assassin who worked for the American government and retired. During a walk, he witnesses by chance a murder attempt against the UK’s Prime Minister in the park in front of (More) the White House. The President of the USA asks him personally to investigate the case and promises to re-instate him and destroy his personal file. The plot is complicated and unpredictable, as only until the end no one knows who is the good one and the assassin. A positive aspect is the stress put into Oliver’s friendship with those who help him whenever he needs their help. It may not be suitable for young readers as the agents who work for the government are actually assassins who kill indiscriminately those they see as a danger. Although the main character is not proud of his work and even suffers because for what he has done in the past, he does it as the most normal thing, an approach which may confuse the moral sense of justice of some readers.
Baldacci, David - The Escape - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
It’s a prison unlike any other. Military discipline rules. Its security systems are unmatched. None of its prisoners dream of escaping. They know it’s impossible . . . until now. John Puller’s older brother, Robert, was convicted (More) of treason and national security crimes. His inexplicable escape from prison makes him the most wanted criminal in the country. Some in the government believe that John Puller represents their best chance at capturing Robert alive, and so Puller must bring in his brother to face justice. But Puller quickly discovers that his brother is pursued by others who don’t want him to survive. Puller is in turn pushed into an uneasy, fraught partnership with another agent, who may have an agenda of her own. They dig more deeply into the case together, and Puller finds that not only are her allegiances unclear, but there are troubling details about his brother’s conviction . . . and someone out there doesn’t want the truth to ever come to light. As the nationwide manhunt for Robert grows more urgent, Puller’s masterful skills as an investigator and strengths as a fighter may not be enough to save his brother-or himself.
Baldacci, David - The Christmas Train - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
Disillusioned journalist Tom Langdon must get from Washington to Los Angeles in time for Christmas. Forced to travel by train, he begins a journey of rude awakenings, thrilling adventures, and holiday magic. He has no idea that (More) the locomotives pulling him across America will actually take him into the rugged terrain of his own heart, as he rediscovers people’s essential goodness and someone very special he believed he had lost. Filled with memorable characters who have packed their bags with as much wisdom as mischief, the tale shows how we do get second chances to fulfil our deepest hopes and dreams, especially during the season of miracles.
Baldacci, David - Wish You Well - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
From bestselling author and master storyteller David Baldacci, Wish You Well is a dramatic and enthralling tale of family unity in the face of adversity.Tragedy strikes the New York-based Cardinal family when their car is involved (More) in a terrible accident. Twelve-year-old Lou and seven-year-old Oz survive, but the crash leaves their father dead and their mother in a coma. It would seem their world has been shattered forever until their great-grandmother, Louisa Mae, agrees to raise the children on her Virginia mountain farm.But before long their rural idyll is threatened by the discovery of natural gas on the mountain. Determined to protect her home from the ravages of big business, Louisa Mae refuses to sell, but when the neighbours hear of the potential wealth the company could bring, they begin to turn against her. And now the Cardinal family find themselves ensnared in another battle, to be played out in a crowded Virginia courtroom: a battle for justice, for survival, and for the right to stay together in the only place they know as home.Filled with both rich humour and desperate poignancy, Wish You Well is a tale of family, faith, humanity and prejudice, set against the magical backdrop of the Virginia high rock.’Baldacci triumphs with his best novel yet, an utterly captivating drama.
Baldacci, David - Buena suerte - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
Buena suerte describe la infancia de dos hermanos, Lou y Oz, cuyas vidas cambian de la noche a la mañana al morir su padre en un accidente. El suceso obligará a los niños a abandonar la trepidante Nueva York de los años cuarenta (More) para trasladarse a las agrestes montañas de Virginia, donde vivirán al cuidado de su bisabuela. Ante Lou y Oz se abrirá un nuevo mundo en el que las adversidades darán paso a una existencia rica en vivencias y descubrimientos.