Novels & Short Stories

There are 975 Novels and 163 Short Stories

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Cussler, CliveLa tormenta
Language: Spanish, Novel – Format: ePub

Durante una expedición de NUMA para tomar muestras de agua en el océano Índico, un miembro de la tripulación vislumbra una mancha negra brillante que parece petróleo. De repente una multitud de partículas negras les ataca como si (More) se tratara de un ejército de hormigas. El barco se enciende en llamas y no quedan supervivientes. Kurt Austin, Joe Zavala y el resto del equipo de operaciones especiales se encargan del caso. La investigación, que empieza con un examen de los restos carbonizados del barco, revela un retorcido plan: llegar a dominar la meteorología del planeta para matar a millones de personas. La cuenta atrás ya ha empezado y quedan muchas preguntas sin responder: ¿Quién se encuentra detrás de esta trama criminal? ¿Podrán Kurt Austin y sus hombres salvar al planeta?

Gordon, NoahLa bodega
Language: Spanish, Novel – Format: ePub

Una apasionada novela acerca del fascinante mundo del vino.
Languedoc, Francia, finales del siglo XIX. Josep Álvarez descubre de la mano de un viticultor francés el arte de la elaboración del vino. Desde ese momento, su vida (More) estará determinada por esta pasión.
A pesar de su juventud, Josep ha conocido el amor, las intrigas políticas y el trabajo duro, experiencia que, junto a su temprana vocación, caracterizará su destino. Tras participar contra su voluntad en un complot que convulsionará la ya turbulenta escena política del momento, huye a Francia, donde trabajará para un viticultor. Pese a su temor de caer en manos de la justicia, decide un día volver a su hogar. Luchando contra los elementos, Josep emprende una aventura tan ardua como fascinante: la elaboración de un buen vino. En torno a él, los habitantes de Santa Eulàlia: la joven viuda Marimar y su hijo Francesc; Nivaldo, el tendero de origen cubano; Donat, el hermano obrero, todos ellos personajes que pueblan esta rica novela.
La bodega contiene la esencia anterior de Noah Gordon: historias personales de fuerza, personajes vitales, retratos fidedignos de una época, plasmados con una sensibilidad y acierto que ha admirado a miles de lectores a lo largo de los años.

Turgenev, IvanRelatos de un cazador
Language: Spanish, Short Stories – Format: iSilo

Memorias de un cazador o Relatos de un cazador (en ruso: Записки охотника) es una recopilación de relatos breves del escritor ruso Iván Turguénev. El primero de ellos, titulado “Jor y Kalínych”, fue publicado en 1847 en una (More) revista rusa con el subtítulo que acabó dando nombre a la colección, “Memorias de un cazador”. En esta obra, Turguénev nos presenta el campo ruso desde el punto de vista de un cazador. Esta perspectiva le permite abarcar tanto la vida de las clases más humildes, como los siervos, los campesinos o los pequeños hidalgos, como la de los grandes propietarios, en la Rusia del Siglo XIX.

AzorínRuta de Don Quijote
Language: Spanish, Essay & Philosophy – Format: iSilo

Archer, JeffreyThe Eleventh Commandment
Language: English, Novel – Format: ePub

Connor Fitzgerald has an impressive resume. Military hero. Devoted family man. Servant of his country―as an assassin. Just as he’s about to put his twenty-eight-year career at the CIA behind him, he comes up against the most (More) dangerous enemy he’s ever faced: His own boss, Helen Dexter.
As Director of the CIA, Dexter has always been the one to hold the strings. But when her status is threatened by a greater power, her only hope for survival is to destroy Fitzgerald. Meanwhile, the country braces itself as tensions with a new Russian leader reach the boiling point…and it’s up to Fitzgerald to pull off his most daring mission yet: To save the world. Even if that means risking everything―including his own life―in the process.

Iggulden, ConnWolf of the Plains (Conqueror Series, 1)
Language: English, Novel – Format: ePub

The Conqueror series is a series of novels by Conn Iggulden about Genghis Khan and his successors, set during the time of the Mongol conquest of the 12th and 13th centuries.
The young boy abandoned without a tribe on the harsh (More) Mongolian plains faced almost certain death. Hunted and alone, he dreamed first of revenge against his enemies. In time, he would unite the great tribes, forming one nation under the sky.

Wilde, OscarIl principe felice
Language: Italian, Short Stories – Format: iSilo

Covey, Stephen R.The 8th Habit: From Effectiveness to Greatness
Language: English, Management & Leadership – Format: ePub

In the more than twenty-five years since its publication, the classic The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has become an international phenomenon with more than twenty-five million copies sold. Tens of millions of people in (More) business, government, schools, and families, and, most importantly, as individuals, have dramatically improved their lives and organizations by applying the principles of Stephen R. Covey’s classic book. The world, however, is a vastly changed place. Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option—survival in today’s world requires it. But in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the “New Knowledge Worker Age,” we must build on and move beyond effectiveness. The call of this new era in human history is for greatness; it’s for fulfillment, passionate execution, and significant contribution.
Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today’s new reality requires a change in thinking: a new mindset, a new skill-set, a new tool-set—in short, a whole new habit. The crucial challenge of our world today is this: to find our voice and inspire others to find theirs. It is what Covey calls the 8th Habit. So many people feel frustrated, discouraged, unappreciated, and undervalued—with little or no sense of voice or unique contribution. The 8th Habit is the answer to the soul’s yearning for greatness, the organization’s imperative for significance and superior results, and humanity’s search for its “voice.”
Covey’s new book will transform the way we think about ourselves, our purpose in life, our organizations, and about humankind. Just as The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People helped us focus on effectiveness, The 8th Habit shows us the way to greatness.

Salgari, EmilioI misteri della jungla nera
Language: Italian, Novel – Format: iSilo

AristotleThe Art of Poetry
Language: English, Essay & Philosophy – Format: iSilo