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Harris, Robert

Language: English | Category: Novel (Detective) | Audio Book: Not Available

It is April 1964 and one week before Hitler’s 75th birthday. Xavier March, a detective of the Kriminalpolizei, is called out to investigate the discovery of a dead body in a lake near Berlin’s most prestigious suburb. As March discovers the identity of the body, he uncovers signs of a conspiracy that could go to the very top of the German Reich. And, with the Gestapo just one step behind, March, together with an American journalist, is caught up in a race to discover and reveal the truth – a truth that has already killed, a truth that could topple governments, a truth that will change history.

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  • is an initiative supported by the Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) that springs from experiences of people that share a passion for reading and that take interest in known, from a catholic perspective, the content of books that have caught their attention.

Others books by Harris, Robert
There are 2 ebooks by this Author
Harris, Robert - Dictator - Language: Spanish, Novel - Format: ePub
Roma, siglo I a.C. Un hombre. Unos ideales. Y el fin de una época. Hubo un tiempo en que Marco Tulio Cicerón tenía a Julio César en su mano, de haberla cerrado, lo habría destrozado. La fortuna, sin embargo, les ha llevado en (More) direcciones opuestas: mientras su mayor enemigo marcha hacia el norte para tomar el mando de la Galia, Cicerón se ve obligado a huir de Roma para escapar de sus enemigos. Exiliado, apartado de su esposa e hijos, su vida siempre en peligro, al legendario orador le atormenta ser consciente de que ha sacrificado el poder en aras de sus principios. Su regreso exigirá astucia, destreza y coraje, y durante un tiempo será una vez más el senador más importante de Roma. Pero ningún hombre de estado, por inteligente que sea, está a salvo de la ambición y la corrupción de quienes le rodean.
Harris, Robert - Fatherland - Language: English, Novel - Format: ePub
It is April 1964 and one week before Hitler's 75th birthday. Xavier March, a detective of the Kriminalpolizei, is called out to investigate the discovery of a dead body in a lake near Berlin's most prestigious suburb. As March (More) discovers the identity of the body, he uncovers signs of a conspiracy that could go to the very top of the German Reich. And, with the Gestapo just one step behind, March, together with an American journalist, is caught up in a race to discover and reveal the truth - a truth that has already killed, a truth that could topple governments, a truth that will change history.