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La tempestad
Shakespeare, William

Language: Spanish | Category: Theater Play | Audio Book: Not Available

Se llama clásicos a los libros que constituyen una riqueza para quien los ha leído y amado, pero que constituyen una riqueza no menor para quien se reserva la suerte de leerlos por primera vez en las mejores condiciones para saborearlos (…) Un clásico es un libro que nunca termina de decir lo que tiene que decir.
Italo Calvino

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  • is an initiative supported by the Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) that springs from experiences of people that share a passion for reading and that take interest in known, from a catholic perspective, the content of books that have caught their attention.

Others books by Shakespeare, William
There are 23 ebooks by this Author
Shakespeare, William - The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - Language: English, Complete Works of - Format: ePub
Finally, the world’s greatest writer receives the scholarly Delphi treatment. Of course, there are many Shakespeare collections available on the eReader, which is why we have made this edition, like all our other titles, the most (More) comprehensive and scholarly works available. This incredible eBook offers every Shakespearean play, poem, apocryphal work and much, much more! Now you can truly own all of Shakespeare’s works and a wealth of BONUS material on your eReader, and all in ONE well-organised file. eBook Description * Concise introductions to the plays and other works * Images of how the plays first appeared in print, giving your eReader a taste of the Elizabethan texts * ALL 38 plays and each with their own contents table – navigate easily between acts and scenes – find that special quotation quickly! * Includes 17 apocryphal plays, with mysterious works such as THE BIRTH OF MERLIN and VORTIGERN AND ROWENA, available nowhere else * Special LOST PLAYS section, with concise information on Shakespeare’s lost works * Includes the special bonus play of DOUBLE FALSEHOOD, which the critic Lewis Theobald claimed was Shakespeare’s lost play in 1727. Decide for yourself – could this really be the long lost CARDENIO? * ALL the sonnets and other poetry, with excellent formatting, in their own special contents table – find that special sonnet quickly and easily! * Apocryphal poems, presented with brief introductions explaining their history * Special BONUS text of Charles and Mary Lamb’s adaptations for children, with their original Victorian artwork * Useful SOURCES section – spend hours discovering rare medieval texts that shaped Shakespeare’s greatest works. E.g. Thomas Kyd’s play that influenced HAMLET, Holinshed’s Chronicles that inspired history plays and the great MACBETH and many more! * 5 biographies – explore the bard’s mysterious life from multiple sources across history * Special literary criticism section boasts 11 works by writers as varied as Samuel Johnson, Coleridge, Pope, Bernard Shaw and Tolstoy * Scholarly ordering of texts into chronological order and literary genres * Useful ‘Glossary of Elizabethan Language’, which will aid your comprehension of difficult words and phrases * UPDATED with line numbers to all 38 plays, in response to customers’ requests * UPDATED with a special Quotations section, with hundreds of famous quotations from the plays and poetry * UPDATED with detailed NCX toc for Kindle readers
Shakespeare, William - As You Like it - Language: English, Theater Play - Format: ePub
Original Play with modern translation. As You Like It is a pastoral comedy by William Shakespeare believed to have been written in 1599 or early 1600 and first published in the First Folio, 1623. The play's first performance is (More) uncertain, though a performance at Wilton House in 1603 has been suggested as a possibility. As You Like It follows its heroine Rosalind as she flees persecution in her uncle's court, accompanied by her cousin Celia to find safety and, eventually, love, in the Forest of Arden. In the forest, they encounter a variety of memorable characters, notably the melancholy traveller Jaques who speaks many of Shakespeare's most famous speeches (such as "All the world's a stage" and "A fool! A fool! I met a fool in the forest"). Jaques provides a sharp contrast to the other characters in the play, always observing and disputing the hardships of life in the country. Historically, critical response has varied, with some critics finding the work of lesser quality than other Shakespearean works and some finding the play a work of great merit.
Shakespeare, William - Dos Hidaldos de Verona - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Julio César - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Mucho ruido y pocas nueces - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Sueño de una noche de verano - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - La tempestad - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Hamlet - Language: English, Theater Play - Format: ePub
The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, often shortened to Hamlet, is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare at an uncertain date between 1599 and 1602. Set in the Kingdom of Denmark, the play dramatizes the revenge Prince (More) Hamlet is instructed to enact on his uncle Claudius. Claudius had murdered his own brother, Hamlet's father King Hamlet, and subsequently seized the throne, marrying his deceased brother's widow, Hamlet's mother Gertrude.
Shakespeare, William - Como gustéis - Language: Spanish, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Tutto il Teatro - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: ePub, iSilo
«Non appartenne a un’epoca, ma a tutti i tempi», disse di Shakespeare Ben Jonson. William Shakespeare è considerato infatti da sempre il più grande autore teatrale mai esistito. La straordinaria energia creativa e la vastità della (More) sua produzione suscitarono nei romantici l’immagine di una «forza immane della natura», di un «genio universale». Oggi, dopo oltre quattro secoli dalla nascita, Shakespeare non cessa di stupirci per la complessità, la bellezza, la varietà della sua poesia e per la “modernità” dei personaggi e delle trame. • La tempesta • I due gentiluomini di Verona • Le allegre comari di Windsor • Misura per misura • La commedia degli errori • Molto rumore per nulla • Pene d’amor perdute • Sogno di una notte di mezza estate • Il mercante di Venezia • Come vi piace • La bisbetica domata • Tutto è bene quel che finisce bene • La dodicesima notte • Il racconto d’inverno • Enrico IV • Enrico V • Enrico VI • Riccardo III • Riccardo II • Re Giovanni • Enrico VIII • Troilo e Cressida • Coriolano • Tito Andronico • Romeo e Giulietta • Timone d’Atene • Giulio Cesare • Macbeth • Amleto • Re Lear • Otello, il Moro di Venezia • Antonio e Cleopatra • Cimbelino • Pericle, principe di Tiro
Shakespeare, William - Romeo e Giulietta - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: ePub, iSilo
Romeo e Giulietta (The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet) è una tragedia di William Shakespeare composta tra il 1594 e il 1596, tra le più famose e rappresentate, nonché una delle storie d'amore più (More) popolari. La vicenda dei due protagonisti ha assunto nel tempo un valore simbolico, diventando l'archetipo dell'amore perfetto ma avversato dalla società.
Shakespeare, William - Come vi piace - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - La commedia degli equivoci - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Dodicesima notte - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - I due gentiluomini di Verona - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Macbeth - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: ePub, iSilo
Macbeth è tra i più conosciuti drammi di Shakespeare, nonché la tragedia più breve. Frequentemente rappresentata e riadattata nel corso dei secoli, è divenuta archetipo della brama di potere e dei suoi pericoli. Per la trama (More) Shakespeare si ispirò liberamente al resoconto storico del re Macbeth di Scozia di Raphael Holinshed[2] e a quello del filosofo scozzese Hector Boece. Si tratta di una tragedia fosca, cruenta, in cui domina il male e in cui i personaggi sono complessi ed ambigui. Lady Macbeth, personificazione del male, è animata da grande ambizione e sete di potere.
Shakespeare, William - Il mercante di Venezia - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: iSilo
Shakespeare, William - Sogno di una notte di mezza state - Language: Italian, Theater Play - Format: ePub, iSilo
Sogno di una notte di mezza estate (A Midsummer Night's Dream) è una commedia di William Shakespeare scritta intorno al 1595. È senza dubbio una delle commedie più conosciute del bardo e anche una delle più brevi. La commedia (More) presenta tre storie intrecciate e, collegate tra loro dalla celebrazione del matrimonio tra Teseo, duca di Atene, e Ippolita, regina delle Amazzoni.