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A Little History of the World
Gombrich, Ernst H.

Language: English | Category: History & Biography | Audio Book: Not Available

A Little History of the World (originally in German, Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser) is a history book by Ernst Gombrich. It was written in 1935 in Vienna, Austria, when Gombrich was 26 years old.

The short history chronicles human development from the inventions of cavemen to the results of the First World War. Additionally, the book describes the beliefs of many major world religions, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, and incorporates these ideas into its narrative presentation of historical people and events.

Leonie Gombrich explains in the book’s introduction that Gombrich, writing the last phases of his doctoral thesis, corresponded with the young daughter of some friends, who wanted to know what he was spending all of his time on at work. It was a great pleasure for Gombrich to explain his doctoral work to the girl, using only words and concepts that children could understand. Convinced that an intelligent child could understand even seemingly complicated ideas in history, if they were put into intelligible terms, Gombrich composed a sample chapter on the “Ritterzeit” (Time of the Knights), and sent it to the publisher Walter Neurath. Excited about the text, but somewhat pressed for time, Neurath asked Gombrich to produce a complete script in six weeks, so that the book could be printed. Unsure of his ability to satisfy such a demand, Gombrich, after some convincing, promised to try. He set himself to the task of writing a chapter a day (with the exception of Sundays, when he would share his work with his later wife, Ilse Heller). He spent his mornings and afternoons reading in his home and at the library and reserved his evenings for composition. He chose his themes based on what seemed to him to be the most influential events in history from a modern perspective, and based upon what remains best remembered. Somewhat miraculously, he delivered the text on time, and the book appeared to the public in 1936.

More information about Gombrich, Ernst H. and A Little History of the World is available in:

  • is an initiative supported by the Midwest Theological Forum (MTF) that springs from experiences of people that share a passion for reading and that take interest in known, from a catholic perspective, the content of books that have caught their attention.

Others books by Gombrich, Ernst H.
There are 3 ebooks by this Author
Gombrich, Ernst H. - La historia del arte - Language: Spanish, History & Biography - Format: ePub
La historia del arte es una de las obras sobre arte más famosas jamás publicadas. Durante cuarenta y seis años, ninguna otra ha rivalizado con ella en tanto que introducción al tema en su totalidad, desde las primeras pinturas de (More) «las cuevas» hasta el arte experimental contemporáneo. Lectores de todas las edades y procedencias supieron hallar en el profesor Gombrich a un auténtico maestro, en quien se combinan el conocimiento y la sabiduría con un don único para comunicar de manera directa su profundo fervor por las obras de arte objeto de su estudio.La historia del arte debe su amplia difusión a lo directo y espontáneo de su estilo, así como a la clara exposición del autor, quien afirma que su propósito es «ordenar inteligiblemente el caudal de nombres, períodos y estilos que colman las páginas de obras más ambiciosas». Esto, unido a su perspicacia en cuanto a la psicología de las artes visivas, nos permite contemplar la historia del arte como «un continuo fluir e intercambio de tradiciones, en los que cada obra refiere al pasado y apunta hacia el futuro en una vívida cadena que vincula, incluso, a nuestra época con la de las pirámides». En su nuevo formato, la 16.ª edición de esta obra, ya clásica, ahora ampliada en 141 páginas, mantiene su criterio progresivo ante las generaciones venideras, a la vez que sigue siendo la primera fuente de información para los recién llegados al mundo del arte.
Gombrich, Ernst H. - A Little History of the World - Language: English, History & Biography - Format: ePub
A Little History of the World (originally in German, Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser) is a history book by Ernst Gombrich. It was written in 1935 in Vienna, Austria, when Gombrich was 26 years old. The short history (More) chronicles human development from the inventions of cavemen to the results of the First World War. Additionally, the book describes the beliefs of many major world religions, including Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam, and incorporates these ideas into its narrative presentation of historical people and events. Leonie Gombrich explains in the book's introduction that Gombrich, writing the last phases of his doctoral thesis, corresponded with the young daughter of some friends, who wanted to know what he was spending all of his time on at work. It was a great pleasure for Gombrich to explain his doctoral work to the girl, using only words and concepts that children could understand. Convinced that an intelligent child could understand even seemingly complicated ideas in history, if they were put into intelligible terms, Gombrich composed a sample chapter on the "Ritterzeit" (Time of the Knights), and sent it to the publisher Walter Neurath. Excited about the text, but somewhat pressed for time, Neurath asked Gombrich to produce a complete script in six weeks, so that the book could be printed. Unsure of his ability to satisfy such a demand, Gombrich, after some convincing, promised to try. He set himself to the task of writing a chapter a day (with the exception of Sundays, when he would share his work with his later wife, Ilse Heller). He spent his mornings and afternoons reading in his home and at the library and reserved his evenings for composition. He chose his themes based on what seemed to him to be the most influential events in history from a modern perspective, and based upon what remains best remembered. Somewhat miraculously, he delivered the text on time, and the book appeared to the public in 1936.
Gombrich, Ernst H. - Breve historia del mundo - Language: Spanish, History & Biography - Format: ePub
Esta Breve historia del mundo no es un manual al uso: es una epístola-diálogo escrita en un tono llano y accesible, sin los formalismos y las rigideces de los textos académicos, pero también sin el barniz de aparente pedagogía que (More) da una voz de falsete a tantos libros infantiles y juveniles. La perspectiva y el género elegidos por Gombrich convierten su libro en el antecesor moderno de otros tratados, como El mundo de Sofía de Jostein Gaarder o Ética para Amador de Fernando Savater, que, tras su apariencia de texto dirigido a los jóvenes, tocan cuestiones de hondo calado en el campo de las humanidades. Una obra modernísima y de plena vigencia, de perspectiva amplia y profunda, de espectacular éxito en todo el mundo, que, por su optimismo, su amenidad y su sensibilidad, se lee como una novela.